Official Town Website ~ Petersham, Massachusetts
We hope the residents of Petersham find this site to be both useful and informative.
We hope the residents of Petersham find this site to be both useful and informative.
Absentee and Early Vote Ballots are now available If you wish to vote by mail, you must fill out and return the appropriate form. Use this one to request an Early Ballot, Use this form if you are requesting and Absentee Ballot. You must fall under one of the specific reasons to request an absentee ballot. A Specimen Ballot can be viewed here. You can either mail the request in or drop it off in the drop off box or in the Selectboard Office. If you have questions, please feel free to contact this office. Diana L. Cooley, Town Clerk MCPPO Justice of the Peace Notary Public Commissioner to Qualify 3 South Main Street PO Box 486 Petersham, MA 01366 978-724-6649 Special Town Meeting Results
The results of the January 4, 2025 Special Town Meeting can be found here NGRID Hazard Tree Mitigation Program
National Grid has completed a survey of trees on town property that they plan to either remove or prune in order to maintain the reliability of main electric distribution lines in Petersham. These trees are mostly on Hardwick, Spring, and Popplecamp roads (1 on Sunset Lane), and they are identified with red (remove) or blue (prune) flagging. The public is invited for comments at the Selectboard meeting on Thursday, January 16th, 5:30, in the Lower Town Hall. The Tree Removal Permit with list of trees is located here Petersham Annual Election March 3, 2025
The Petersham Annual Election will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025. Polls will be open from 10:00am – 8:00pm. The last day to register to vote is Friday, February 21, 2025. Nomination papers are available now. Last day to file papers is January 13, 2025 at 5:00pm. The offices on the ballot will be: Selectboard – 3 years currently held by Deborah Poodry Board of Assessors – 3 years currently held by Jean Robinson Board of Health – 3 years currently held by Fifi Scoufopoulos Mahar Regional School Committee – 3 years, held by Maryanne Reynolds Petersham School Committee – 3 years currently held by Lynn Jones Peredina Planning Board – 3 years currently held by Donna Byron Trustees of Public Library currently held by Hilary Loring. Donn Byron has signed the Blanket Nomination for the Planning Board. The Town Clerk has been notified by Fifi Scoufopoulos that she will not run for the Board of Health, Lynn Jones Peredina that she will not be running for the Petersham School Committee, Maryanne Reynold that she will not be running for the Mahar School Committee, and Hilary Loring will not be running for Trustees of Public Library. If anyone would like to run for these seats, please contact the Town Clerk for nomination papers. You can stop in on a Monday night or contact her at [email protected]. USDA-NRCS Designated Farmland Soils of Local Importance in the Town of Petersham
Soil map units are recognized by USDA-NRCS as having evidence of suitability for crop production within the town but are not classified as important farmland soils (prime farmland, unique farmland, farmland of statewide importance). For additional information click here. To view the soil map unit symbols and names, click here. APPROVED FINAL PETERSHAM OPEN SPACE AND RECREATION PLAN 2024
The Final Approved Petersham Open Space and Recreation Plan (OSRP) can be viewed here To Current Matrix Customers in Petersham:
Over a month ago, the Town was contacted by AccessPlus, a company interested in providing internet services. AccessPlus already services commercial customers, including municipalities, and want to expand into the residential sector. They provide 24/7 customer service and report to have better back-up capabilities. The Town’s Broadband Board is helping to facilitate the negotiations and is standing by as AccessPlus and Matrix review the existing contract. If successful, the transfer of operations from Matrix to AccessPlus should occur over the next few months. We know you are frustrated (believe me!). We need to ensure any future contract meets our needs. Your patience is appreciated! Sue Dougherty, Selectboard Chair and Broadband Municipal Light Plant Board Transfer Station Monitor
The Town is looking for a Transfer Station Monitor to augment the existing dynamic team. Hours are Wednesday afternoon, 1:30 – 4:00 pm and Saturday, 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Duties are primarily performed outdoors and may occur under adverse weather conditions. Ability to work well with the public is preferred and deeply appreciated by the community. Wage $16.50/hr. Complete job description is here.. Please contact the Selectboard office if interested 978-724-3353. Cemetery Sexton
The fascinating position of Cemetery Sexton is available for appointment within the Cemetery Commission. The Sexton helps families select and purchase gravesites and maintains detailed and accurate records of transactions. He/she also locates and places markers. The job combines historical knowledge with vital record keeping. Compensated via a small stipend. Complete job description is here. Please contact the Selectboard office if interested 978-724-3353. Ralph C. Mahar and School Union 73
Comprehensive District Review Report (2024) In accordance with Massachusetts state law, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) contracted with the American Institutes for Research® (AIR®) to conduct a comprehensive review of Ralph C. Mahar and School Union 73 (hereafter, RCM & SU 73) in April 2024. This report includes data for the Petersham Center School, and can be viewed here. 2024- 25 TRANSFER STATION PERMITS NOW ON SALE
Effective Oct 1, residents are required to have 2024-25 Permit stickers on their vehicles for Transfer station use. Click here for Procedures & Form for purchasing your sticker. And, watch for sticker sales at the TS on Sept. Weds. & Sats. For more information about the Transfer Station, please click here. TRANSFER STATION HOURS, USE, & INFO SAT. 9 AM - 2 PM and WEDS. 1:30 - 4 PM. For Petersham residents with vehicle sticker. Trash disposal, recyclables, and metals. For residents’ permits, additional info, & guidelines click here. TOWN TRASH BAGS Rolls of bags can be purchased at the Town Office, 3 South Main Street during regular business hours. And at Petersham Package Store, 9 Barre Road (near corner of S. Main & Rte 122). IMPORTANT TAX BILL INFORMATION
If your real estate or excise tax bills have a line that says “prior taxes are past due, contact the collector”, this means you have outstanding tax bills. Please do not ignore! If excise taxes are owed, you might not be able to renew your license or your motor vehicle. If real estate taxes are owed, you might have a lien attached to your property. PETERSHAM SELECTBOARD OFFICE HOURS EFFECTIVE
JULY 1, 2024 The Petersham Selectboard Office Hours Mon 9am - 4pm, Tues 9am - 4pm, Wed 9am - 12pm, Thurs 8am - 4pm. (Closed Fridays) Please contact our office at [email protected] or 978.724.3353 if you wish to make remote arrangements or via drop box—we are happy to provide assistance. GLEN VALLEY BRIDGE CLOSING
On Wednesday Feb 21, 2024 the Department of Transportation closed the Glen Valley bridge over Silver Brook. Please make note for your travel plans. No other information is available at this time. FY2023 ANNUAL REPORT IS NOW AVAILABLE
You can pick up a hardcopy of the report in the Town Office Building at 3 South Main Street in the Selectboard's Office, OR view a digital copy on line here. PETERSHAM PO BOX OWNERS - PLEASE READ
The USPS strongly prefers that patrons who use PO Boxes (rather than street addresses) be sure to include their PO Box # on all mail otherwise it might be returned to sender. The USPS does not make PO Box owner details available to the Town of Petersham; you must personally contact the town Tax Collector stating your PO #so that future mail can get delivered to you. RESIDENTS' CURRENT PROPERTY TAX BILLS
For information about current Fiscal Year 2023 bills, please visit this link. For instructions on how to access Petersham Property Maps, Vision Property Record cards, and CAI Property Record Cards, please use this link. RESIDENTS CAN CHOOSE WHO TO USE
AS THEIR ELECTRCITY PROVIDER For residents who would like to consider changing their current electricity provider, the Commonwealth has posted a list of retail providers at this web site below; rates & plans are shown with links to the individual providers web sites. THE 2023 STREET LIST IS NOW AVAILABLE
Click here for more details. |
AVAILABLE ONLINE Notices for all Town Committee meetings are posted online. Click on the link below to access the site. CALENDAR OF SCHEDULED MEETINGS
Click on the link below to access calendar of scheduled meetings. Please feel free to send us your comments,
suggestions or questions. Community Calendar of Activities & Events
sponsored by Petersham organizations can be viewed by selecting the button below. CLICK HERE TO ADD AN EVENT If you have a favorite Petersham photo, please feel free to send it to us and we'll include it in the display below.
Town of Petersham
3 South Main Street, P.O. Box 486
Petersham, Massachusetts 01366
Contact Phone: 978-724-3353 / 978-724-3501 (fax)
Updated January 18, 2024
3 South Main Street, P.O. Box 486
Petersham, Massachusetts 01366
Contact Phone: 978-724-3353 / 978-724-3501 (fax)
Updated January 18, 2024