These soil map units are recognized by USDA-NRCS as having evidence of suitability for crop production within the town but are not classified as important farmland soils (prime farmland, unique farmland, farmland of statewide importance). The Farmland Soils of Local Importance designation ensures all lands suited for crop production are recognized. This increases the extent of important farmland soils from about 16 to 62 percent. Most important, this increases a farmer/landowner's long-term potential for USDA-NRCS farmland preservation programs eligibility. The designation does not prevent the use of the land for other purposes, including development.
Petersham Open Space & Recreation Committee
3 South Main Street,
P.O. Box 486,
Petersham, Massachusetts 01366
Contact Name: Anne Cavanaugh
Contact Phone: 978-888-3331
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Emery Boose, Clerk
Anne Cavanaugh, Chair
Carly Hutchinson
Ari Pugliese
Clint Shaw
Henry Woolsey
Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6 pm in Lower Town Hall.
For meeting dates and agendas, please check the Open Space & Recreation Committee link
To view The Petersham 2024 Open Space and Recreation Plan,
click here.
USDA-NRCS Designated Farmland Soils of Local Importance in the Town of Petersham
. These soil map units are recognized by USDA-NRCS as having evidence of suitability for crop
production within the town but are not classified as important farmland soils (prime farmland,
unique farmland, farmland of statewide importance). The Farmland Soils of Local Importance
designation ensures all lands suited for crop production are recognized. This increases the
extent of important farmland soils from about 16 to 62 percent. Most important, this increases a
farmer/landowner's long-term potential for USDA-NRCS farmland preservation programs eligibility.
The designation does not prevent the use of the land for other purposes, including development.
To view the soil map unit symbols and names, click here.
Petersham Open Space & Recreation Committee
3 South Main Street,
P.O. Box 486,
Petersham, Massachusetts 01366
Contact Name: Anne Cavanaugh
Contact Phone: 978-888-3331
Contact E-mail: [email protected]
Emery Boose, Clerk
Anne Cavanaugh, Chair
Carly Hutchinson
Ari Pugliese
Clint Shaw
Henry Woolsey
Monthly meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6 pm in Lower Town Hall.
For meeting dates and agendas, please check the Open Space & Recreation Committee link
To view The Petersham 2024 Open Space and Recreation Plan,
click here.
USDA-NRCS Designated Farmland Soils of Local Importance in the Town of Petersham
. These soil map units are recognized by USDA-NRCS as having evidence of suitability for crop
production within the town but are not classified as important farmland soils (prime farmland,
unique farmland, farmland of statewide importance). The Farmland Soils of Local Importance
designation ensures all lands suited for crop production are recognized. This increases the
extent of important farmland soils from about 16 to 62 percent. Most important, this increases a
farmer/landowner's long-term potential for USDA-NRCS farmland preservation programs eligibility.
The designation does not prevent the use of the land for other purposes, including development.
To view the soil map unit symbols and names, click here.